متاپلازی سلومیک
As the incidence of retrograde menstruation is similar in women with and without endometriosis, several other mechanisms have been proposed: coelomic metaplasia, vascular dissemination, direct transplantation, and altered immunity.
The coelomic metaplasia theory, proposed by Fergusson and colleagues in the 1960s,5" offers an alternative explanation for the same observations.
The coelomic metaplasia theory holds that endometriosis results from spontaneous metaplasUc change in mesothclial cells derived from the coelomic epithelium (located In the peritoneum and the pleura).
The induction theory is a variation on the same theme and envisions that coelomic metaplasia is induced by exposure to menstrual effluent or other stimuli.
A number of observations suggest that endometriosis results from spontaneous or induced coelomic metaplasia, at least in some cases.51
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